Last month in china there was a massive earth quake. This mas destruction had collapsed school, houses, mountain sides fell, hearts broken. This has been china longest month of their lives. The government took action right away. chines sholdiers marched trough the destruction looking for survivours. The land was so tore up that it took days for the sholdiers to get to the hardest hit places. As the search went on the death tole had rose to almost 70 000 people, and more then 17 000 are still missing.these surviviours we put in make shift camps. dams are still breaking causing massive floods trough the mountain's making new land slides. The government are just only talking about Reconstruction its going to take years to rebuild but life's lost will never rebuild.
I think that the government of china are handling this well. this is not a easy problem to handle. I also think that other countries should help out more because we never hear about anything that we did to help.