In our province today we use snowmobiles all winter long and a lot of us use them. today there are 4-stoke engines on the market. These engines are improvements to a 2-stroke engine because they burn less fuel and they release a lot less pollution in the air from the fumes. Just imagine if 200 2-stroke snowmobiles in a area burnt 25 letters of fuel and 1/3rd left the exhaust unburned. That would be a total of 1650 litres of fuel released into the environment in one day. Not counting the fumes that would be released. What do you think should happen to snowmobile engines? Should they stay 2-stroke or should the be 4-stroke?
Personally I think that I would rather a 2-stroke snowmobile then a 4-stroke because the 2-stroke has more power and it is a lot lighter then the 4-stroke. On the other hand I think that there should only be 4-strokes because they burn less fuel and they put off a lot less emissions then the 2-stroke engine. also in our situation with global warming today we should be worried about our ozone and what we are doing with it.
URL: Env sci textbook unit 2.
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