The worst mining disaster in American History occurred in the community of Monongah, West Virginia on December 6, 1907. Around 10 o'clock in the morning after a full force of 380 men and boys had begun their shift, mines number 6 and 8 of the Consolidated Coal Company shook from the impact of an underground explosion. A total of 362 men and boys lost there lives.
The mines were connected above ground by a steel bridge over the West Fork River and underground tunnels. An enourmous cave-in closed the main entrance of number 6 the main opening was blocked by two strings of ore cars and two electric dynamo motors. The underground structure was twisted into a mass of rock, wood and metal. The explosion destroyed the ventilation systems causing a deadly build up of gases trapped in the mines. The poisonous fumes flowed trough the mines causing rescuers to work in relays as they had no protective devises, such as gas masks and could only work in the deadly atmosphere for fifteen minutes before resurfacing. Fires in mines number 6 and 8 created an additional hazard of smoke, and flames which increased the problems involved in the rescue attempt. The fire started on December 8th in the main entry of mine number 6 around midnight and the second fire started in mine number 8 shortly after 3 o'clock in the afternoon, delaying rescue work. By 1908the coal mine operators were starting to recognize that an unsafe mine was costly and unproductive. In 1909 the Engineering & Mining Journal stated that accident showed lack of efficiency and production in a mine and lack of productivity would result in lack of profitability so the closed down the mine in 1910.
Mining is a very dangerous job but there are may ways that we could make them more safe to work in. The main problem with this mine was that it wasn't safe enough to work in. I think when underground mines are made they should be made with more exits then one, because no one knows when that one exit can collapse and kill hundreds of people. I know that it would take more time and money to do this but it would be better then people dieing.
URL: http://www.boisestate.edu/history/ncasner/hy210/mining.htm
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